Go Straight To It - Parts
Click part # you want: 11101, 11142, 11419, 11471, 11472, 11473, 11495, 11514, 11515, 11793, 11885, 12140, 12500, 12570, 12572, 12574, 12575, 12576, 12814, 12836, 13373, 13374, 13597, 13613, 13680, 13775, 13830, 14150, 14412, 14647, 15151, 15152, 15259, 15377, 15380, 16172, 16287, 16267, 16268, 16276, 16305, 16388, 16391, 16414, 16416, 16417, 16419, 16422, 16441, 16449, 16451, 16464, 16469, 16472, 16479, 16508, 16509, 16534, 16554, 16562, 16583, 16612, 16621, 16627, 16629, 16697, 16709, 16857, 16861, 16866, 16893, 16898, 17679, 17680, 17963, 17973, 17976, 18041, 18048, 18060, 18083, 18090, 18092, 18096, 18109, 18112, 18140, 18141, 18147, 18155, 18158, 18167, 18174, 18181, 18187, 18188, 18189, 18192, 18195, 18197, 18203, 18219, 18221, 18223, 18228, 18313, 18314, 18329, 18331, 18333, 18338, 18340, 18367, 18370, 18397, 18418, 18419, 18422, 18424, 18426, 18429, 18447, 18450, 18458, 18470, 18486, 18488, 18489, 18491, 18492, 18494, 18500, 18501, 18502, 18503, 18508, 18512, 18514, 18519, 18524, 18530, 18535, 18540, 18545, 18558, 18560, 18565, 18575, 18577, 18582, 18585, 18605, 18606, 18622, 18625, 18626, 18627, 18628, 18629, 18630, 18631, 18633, 18634, 18635, 18636, 18641, 18642, 18643, 19591, 19593,
16311-NC, 16311-C, 12WMFVA, 34WMFVA,
16259, 16260, 16271, 16299, 16430, 16440, 16456, 16457, 16458, 16459, 16467, 16533, 16542, 16619, 16871, 18007, 18050, 18053, 18082, 18110, 18165, 18166, 18171, 18222, 18235, 18248, 18252, 18262, 18263, 18264, 18270, 18355, 18359, 18430, 18440, 18460, 18480, 18490, 18506, 18510, 18516, 18521, 18526, 18532, 18537, 18541, 18546, 18551, 18574, 18580, 18583, 18586, 18587, 18597, 18680, 18686, 18700, 18702
O1-y CT-1 WM100-y CM480-elec
O1-g CT-1-g WM100-g CM840-elec
O2-y CT-2 WM150-y CM1440-elec
O2-g CT-2-g WM150-g CM10T-elec
O2-sp-y CT-4 WM150S&G-y CM480-cf
O2-sp-g CT-4-g WM150S&G-g CM840-cf
O3-y CT-6 WM300-y CM1440-cf
O3-g SWINE / HOGS WM300-g CM10T-cf
O5-y HG-2 WM1000-y
O5-g HG-4
SF-nh WM54 ECO1-y PK1
SF-h WM54D ECO1-g PK2
SF2-nh-y WM90 ECO2-y PK2-1
SF2-nh-g WM96 ECO2-g PK4
SF2-h-y WM600
SF2-h-g WM1200
Most often needed parts, kits & accessories for all the Ritchie fountains & waterers that are currently made...
ac Stainess Steel Shroud Set (SKU: 18092)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
Stainless Shrouds (2-pieces - overlap for mounting heights up to 4')
bc 20" Stall fount II Shroud - Yellow (SKU: 18492)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bd 30" Stall fount II Shroud - Yellow (SKU: 18491)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bg 20" Stall fount II Shroud - Green (SKU: 18593)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bh 30" Stall fount II Shroud - Green (SKU: 18591)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bi StallFount II Cover Hold Down Screw Package (SKU: 18640) 18640
bj StallFount II Cover Hold Down Thumb Screws only (2 per package) (SKU: 18494) 18494
kq JetFlo Plastic Stock Tank Valve (SKU: 18141) 18141
Ritchie Jet Flo Plastic Stock tank valve.
la 1' Thermal Tube (SKU: 18158) 18158
1' Thermal Tube is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection
lb 2' Thermal Tube (SKU: 16417) 16417
2' Thermal Tube is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection
lc 2' Thermal Tube Extension - add to other tubes for custom lengths (SKU: 16416) 16416
2' Thermal Tube Extension is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection - add it to other tubes to achieve custom lengths.
ld 4' Thermal Tube (SKU: 16612) 16612
4' Thermal Tube is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection
ma 250W / 120V Donut Immersion Heater - non coated (SKU: 16311-NC) 16311-NC
Non-Coated - It's best to remove immersion heaters from fountains when chance of freezing is over.
mb 250W / 120V Donut Immersion Heater - coated (SKU: 16311-C) 16311-C
This Heater is Covered With a Protective Teflon Coating - But it's still best to remove it from the fountain when chance of freezing weather is over.
na Deluxe Small Fountain Installation Kit (SKU: DSFIK) DSFIK
Installs Watermatics, Ecofounts, Omni 1,2,3, and CT1 with stainless bolts, ball valve, & insulation for lines
nb Small Fountain Installation Kit (SKU: SFIK) SFIK
Pipe Insulation Not Included - Order # DWMIK if you need insulation too.
oa Anchor Bolt Kit Plated Steel (SKU: ABKPS) ABKPS
Plated Steel - Less money, but can eventually rust off - Washers shown, but not included.
ob Anchor Bolt Kit Stainless Steel (SKU: ABKSS) ABKSS
These "Forever" Wedge Anchors are made of stainless steel - Washers shown, but not included.
oc Water Supply Winterize Kit (SKU: WSWK) WSWK
Winterizes Water Supply Lines (2-piece kit)
pa 3/4 x 1/2 Ball Valve Kit (SKU: 34x12BVK) 34x12BVK
American Made By The Spears Company
qaa 11/2" Silicone Drain Plug for Stallfount & Omni 1, 2, 2sp (SKU: 18221) 18221
This is the 11/2" Silicone Drain Plug for Basic Stallfount & Omni 1, 2, 2sp
qab 11/2" Expanding Drain Plug for StallFount II's (SKU: 18643) 18643
This is the 11/2" Expanding Drain Plug used on StallFount II's
qac 3" Expanding Drain Plug for Watermatics & Watermasters (SKU: 18470) 18470
This is the latest design of drain plug that is used on the Watermatic and Watermaster fountains.
qad 11/4" Plastic Drain Plugs (2 per package) for Omni 3, 5, 10, Porkings (SKU: 18628) 18628
11/4" Plastic Drain Plug (2 per pkg) for Omnifount 3, 5, 10, and Porking Units.
qae #3 Channel Drain Plug for Watermasters (2 per package) (SKU: 18633) 18633
This is the #3 Channel Drain Plug for Watermasters (2 per package)
qaf 2" Silicone Drain Plug (#11) for Thriftykings, some Watermasters (SKU: 18219) 18219
This is the 2" Silicone Drain Plug (#11) used on Watermaster 54D, 600, ThriftyKing Fountains - CT's & Hg's.
qag 2" Silicone Drain Plug Pkg for Cattlemasters (SKU: 18338) 18338
This is the 2" Silicone Drain Plug Pkg for Cattlemasters
qah 2" Square-head Drain Plug for Cattlemasters (SKU: 17680) 17680
This is the 2" squared-head drain plug used in the old Metal Cattlemaster units.
qai 3" Poly Strainer for Watermasters (SKU: 17194) 17194
This is the Poly Strainer that covers the overflow hole on the south end of a Watermaster fountain.
qba Drain Pipe Elbow & Washer for Ecofounts (SKU: 16172) 16172
Drain Pipe Elbow & Washer for Ecofounts
qbb Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 1, 2, 2sp, AC's (SKU: 11471) 11471
Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 1, 2, 2sp, AC's
qbc Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 3, Cattle #3 (SKU: 11472) 11472
Drain Pipe Elbow Assembly for Omni 3, Cattle #3
qbd Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 5, 10, Cattle #5 (SKU: 11473) 11473
Drain Pipe Elbow Assembly for Omni 5 & 10
qbe Drain Pipe Elbow Washers (6 per package) for Omnifounts (SKU: 18075) 18075
This is the 2" squared-head drain plug used in the Cattlemaster units.
qca 2" Bulkhead for Cattlemasters (SKU: 17679) 17679
2" Bulkhead for Cattlemasters
qda 4-1/2" Overflow Pipe for Ecofounts (SKU: 14647) 14647
4-1/2" overflow pipe for Ecofount units
qdb 5-1/4" Overflow Pipe for Omni 1, 2, 2sp, Ac's (SKU: 16866) 16866
This is the 5-1/4" overflow pipe that installs in the Omni 1, 2, 2sp, and the metal AC units.
qdc 2" Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for Omni 3, 5, 10 (SKU: 16629) 16629
2" Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for Omni 3, 5, 10
qdd 2" Extended Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for Cattlemasters (SKU: 18181) 18181
2" Extended Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for CattleMaster Units
ra Metal Valve Box Cover & Panel Opening Tool (SKU: 12814) 12814
Metal Valve Box Cover & Panel Opening Tool.
rb Ritchie Mini Water Meter (SKU: 18218) 18218
Know how much water your animal is consuming. The economical Mini Water Meter installs in the 3/8" rubber hose line of smaller fountains between the water source and the float valve.
saa 1/2" Watermatic Float / Valve Assy (with bracket included) (SKU: 12WMFVA) 12WMFVA
1/2" 40-60 psi float valve assembly for the Watermatic 100, 150, 150s&g, Ecofount 1 & 2.
sab 1/2" Male White Valve (5-40 psi) (SKU: 12574) 12574
1/2" 5-40 psi float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 1/2" valve.
sac 1/2" Male Red Valve (40-60 psi) (SKU: 12575) 12575
1/2" 40-60 psi float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 1/2" valve.
sad 1/2" Male Green Valve (60-80 psi) (SKU: 13597) 13597
1/2" 60-80 psi float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 1/2" valve.
sae 1/2" Valve Bracket Pkg with Screws (SKU: 11515) 11515
1/2" Valve Bracket Package with 4 Bolts/Screws. This bracket bolts to the side of many small fountains and gives you a 1/2" fpt thread to screw your 1/2" float valve into.
sag 1/2" Valve Rubber Buttons (10 per package) (SKU: 15151) 15151
1/2" Valves have a small rubber "button" in them that makes a seal when the plunger is moved by the float. This button is the heart of the valve and is a "wear & tear" item (10 per package).
sag 1/2" Valve Wingnut / Screw / Star-washer Pkg (SKU: 12576) 12576
1/2" Valves have a small screw, star-washer, and wingnut that holds the float arm onto the float. It is also where you adjust the float and water level of the fountain. This part is small but necessary.
sah 1/2" Valve Bracket Pkg with Screws & Washers for StallFount II's (SKU: 18641) 18641
1/2" Valve Bracket Package with 2 screws and washers for the StallFount II's.
sba 1/2" Male Valve and Elbow Pkg for the CT 1 (SKU: 16899) 16899
1/2" float valve and 3/4"mpt x 1/2" fpt elbow (3/4" street ell & 3/4"mpt x 1/2"fpt bushing) which is used in the CT 1 fountain.
sca 3/4" Watermatic Float / Valve Assy (SKU: 34WMFVA) 34WMFVA
3/4" 40-60 psi float valve assembly for the Watermatic 300, 1000, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T and the Thriftyking CT 2 & 4.
scb 3/4" Male White Valve (5-40 psi) (SKU: 16697) 16697
3/4" 40-60 psi white float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" male valve.
scc 3/4" Male Red Valve (40-60 psi) (SKU: 11101) 11101
3/4" 40-60 psi red float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" male valve.
scd 3/4" Male Red Valve w/ 1/8" CF Side Tap (40-60 psi) (SKU: 11142) 11142
3/4" 40-60 psi red float valve with 1/8" constant flow side tap - it could be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" male valve.
sce 1/8"mpt x 1/4"comp Brass Angle Needle Pitcock Valve (SKU: 11793) 11793
This is the brass 1/8"mpt x 1/4"comp angle needle pitcock valve used with the 11142 side tapped float valve to make the fountain able to heat itself by the "constant flow" method.
scf 3/4" Male Green Valve (60-80 psi) (SKU: 15377) 15377
3/4" 60-80 psi greem float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" male valve.
scg 3/4" Male Blue Valve (80-100 psi) (SKU: 18197) 18197
3/4" 80-100 psi blue float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" male valve. Order the new 18832 high pressure valve & float assembly instead.
sda Inlet Pkg For 3/4" Male White Valve (SKU: 18626) 18626
3/4" Inlet Package for the White Male Valve. This piece could be used on the valve found in any of the 3/4" male valved fountians.
sdb Inlet Pkg For 3/4" Male Red Valve (SKU: 18606) 18606
3/4" Inlet Package for the Red Male Valve. This piece could be used on the valve found in any of the 3/4" male valved fountians.
sdc Inlet Pkg For 3/4" Male Green Valve (SKU: 18622) 18622
3/4" Inlet Package for the Green Male Valve. This piece could be used on the valve found in any of the 3/4" male valved fountians.
sea 3/4" Female Red Valve (40-60 psi) (SKU: 12570) 12570
3/4" 40-60 psi Red Female float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" female valve.
seb 3/4" Female Green Valve (60-80 psi) (SKU: 16419) 16419
3/4" 60-80 psi red female float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" female valve. This would mostly be the ThriftyKing CT6.
sec 3/4" Female Blue Valve (80-100 psi) (SKU: 18195) 18195
3/4" 80-100 psi blue female float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 3/4" female valve. Order the new 18832 high pressure valve & float assembly instead.
sfa Inlet Pkg For 3/4" Female Red Valve (SKU: 18605) 18605
3/4" Inlet Package for the Red Female Valve. This piece would be found on the ThriftyKing CT6.
sfb Inlet Pkg For 3/4" Female Green Valve (SKU: 18623) 18623
3/4" Inlet Package for the Green Female Valve. This piece would be found on the ThriftyKing CT6.
sfc Inlet Pkg For 3/4" Female Blue Valve (SKU: 18627) 18627
3/4" 80-100psi Inlet Package for the Blue Female Valve. This piece would be found on the ThriftyKing CT6.
Order the new 18832 high pressure valve & float assembly instead.
sfd 3/4" Valve Plunger Pkg with Button, Nose-piece & Gasket (SKU: 15259) 15259
3/4" Valve Plunger Pkg with Button, Nose-piece & Gasket. This is the only way you can purchase the 3/4" valve plunger with rubber button.
sfe 3/4" Valve Nosepiece Gaskets (5 per package) (SKU: 18397) 18397
3/4" Valve nose-piece gaskets (5 per package). Used on 3/4" valves throughout the larger fountains. In the old days, this gasket was not used.
sff 3/4" Valve Rubber Buttons (10 per package) (SKU: 15152) 15152
3/4" Valves have a small rubber "button" in them that makes a seal when the plunger is moved by the float. This button is the heart of the valve and is a "wear & tear" item.
sga 3/4"fpt x 5/8"barb Elbowing Valve Bracket Pkg (SKU: 11514) 11514
3/4"fpt x 5/8"barb Elbowing Valve Bracket Package. This bracket clips onto overflow pipes and gives a 3/4" fpt mounting option for all the 3/4" male float valves to screw into.
sgb 3/4"fpt x 3/4"fpt Bulkhead Package w/ Nut and Gasket (SKU: 18625) 16898
3/4"fpt x 3/4"fpt Bulkhead Package w/ Nut and Gasket.
sgc 3/4"fpt x 5/8"barb Elbowing Bulkhead Package w/ Nut and Gasket (SKU: 16898) 16898
3/4"fpt x 5/8"barb Elbowing Bulkhead Package w/ Nut and Gasket.
sha Square Bossed Elbowing Float Valve and Constant Flow Heat Valve Assembly (SKU: 16464) 16464
Square Bossed Elbowing Bracket, Float Valve and Constant Flow Heat Valve Assembly. This is termed as a "Watermaster Valve Assembly" by Ritchie.
shb Square Bossed Elbowing 3/4"mpt x 5/8"barb Valve Mounting Bracket w/ Nut (SKU: 16422) 16422
Square Bossed Elbowing 3/4"mpt x 5/8"barb Nylon Valve Mounting Bracket w/ Nut.
sv 1/4"mpt x 1/4"comp PVC Angle Pitcock Valve Pkg (includes 3/4"x 1/4" bushing) (SKU: 18458) 18458
This is the PVC 1/4"mpt x 1/4"comp angle pitcock valve used with the larger fountain plumbings where a 3/4" threaded tee, bushing, and this valve was used to achieve the constant flow feature.
ta Plastic Kite-Shaped Float (SKU: 18642) 18642
Plastic Kite-Shaped Float for Stallfount II's.
tb Plastic Pill-Shaped Float w/ Short Arm (SKU: 13613) 13613
Plastic Pill-Shaped Float with Short Arm for Basic Stainless Steel Stallfounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, & All Hog Founts.
tc Short Plastic Float Arms for pill-shaped floats (2 per package) (SKU: 18634) 18634
Short Plastic Float Arms (2 per package) used on the Basic Stainless Steel Stallfounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, & All Hog Founts.
td Plastic Pill-Shaped Float w/ Long Arm (SKU: 12836) 12836
Plastic Pill-Shaped Float with Long Arm for Watermatic 100, 150, 150s&g, Ecofounts 1 & 2, Thriftyking CT 1.
te Long Plastic Float Arms for pill-shaped floats (2 per package) (SKU: 18635) 18635
Long Plastic Float Arms (2 per package) used on the Watermatic 100, 150, 150s&g, Ecofounts 1 & 2, Thriftyking CT 1.
tf Styro-foam 4-1/2" Pill-Shaped Float w/ Plastic Boss & Short Stainless Arm (SKU: 15380) 15380
Styro-foam 4-1/2" Pill-Shaped Float with Plastic Boss and Stainless Arm for JetFlow Metal Stock Tank Valves.
tg Plastic Oval-Shaped Float w/ Hardware (SKU: 18314) 18314
Plastic Oval-Shaped Float with Hardware for Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
Design change note: In the newer kits made after 11/01/14, the long arm pictured will be 2" in length instead of 3".
th Hardware Kit for the Plastic Oval-Shaped Float (SKU: 18313) 18313
The Hardware Kit only for the Plastic Oval-Shaped Float that works on the Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
Design change note: In the newer kits made after 11/01/14, the long arm pictured will be 2" in length instead of 3".
ti Plastic Float Arm Extension (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) (SKU: 18636) 18636
Plastic Float Arm Extension (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) Used for Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
Design change note: In the newer kits made after 11/01/14, the long arm pictured will be 2" in length instead of 3".
tj Plastic Float Arm Cams (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) (SKU: 18629) 18629
Plastic Float Arm Cams (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) Used for Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
tk Plastic Float Arm Thumb Screws (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) (SKU: 18630) 18630
Plastic Float Arm Thumb Screws (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) Used for Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
tl Plastic Float Arm Washers (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) (SKU: 18450) 18450
Plastic Float Arm Washers (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) Used for Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
tm Plastic Float Arm Pins (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) (SKU: 18631) 18631
Plastic Float Arm Pins (2 per package) (comes in #18313 hardware kit) Used for Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6.
tn Plastic Float Arm Assembly for the older 7" Square Floats (limited qty) (SKU: 12572) 12572
Plastic Float Arm Assembly for the older 7" Square Floats that used be found on Larger Fountains like the Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6. (Sorry, no longer available).
to Plastic Float Arm used on older 7" Square Floats (no longer available) (SKU: 11495) 11495
Plastic Float Arm used on the older 7" Square Floats that used be found on Larger Fountains like the Watermatic 300, 1000, Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, ThriftyKing CT 2, 4, 6. (no longer available)(this is shown to you for information purposes only).
ua 125 watt, 120 volt heating element (SKU: 14150) 14150
This is a 125 watt, 120 volt heating element used on all heated StallFounts, Ecofounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, and Pork King PK2, PK2-1, PK4.
ub 250 watt, 120 volt heating element (SKU: 11419) 11419
This is the 250 watt, 120 volt heating element used on Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster units, and the Pork king PK1.
uh 48 watt, 120 volt cable heater (SKU: 13830) 13830
This is a 48 watt, 120 volt cable heater used on all heated StallFounts, EcoFounts, OminFounts, CattleMasters, and PorkKings.
ui Self-limiting heat cable or heat tape - protects the water supply line (SKU: 16276) 16276
This is a self limiting heat cable or heat tape which warms up when temperature falls below 38 degrees. I can be used on the water supply of any fountain where power is available.
um 28" Disc Thermostat (SKU: 11885) 11885
28" Disc Thermostat
un Fenwal Thermostat (SKU: 16534) 16534
This is known as the Fenwal Thermostat - Stainless version = #16534, Brass version = #11422. Brass in stock now, Stainless later.
uo Fenwal Thermostat to Disc Thermostat Conversion Kit (SKU: 13680) 13680
This is known as the Fenwal Thermostat to Disc Thermostat Conversion Kit.
va 3/4" Nylon Tee FPT (SKU: 16508) 16508
3/4" Nylon Tee FPT
vb 3/4"mpt x 1/8"fpt Nylon Bushing (SKU: 16509) 16509
3/4"mpt x 1/8"fpt Nylon Bushing
vc 3/4"mpt x 1/4"fpt PVC Bushing (SKU: 17973) 17973
3/4"mpt x 1/4"fpt PVC Bushing
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