ac Stainess Steel Shroud Set (SKU: 18092)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
Stainless Shrouds (2-pieces - overlap for mounting heights up to 4')
pa 3/4 x 1/2 Ball Valve Kit (SKU: 34x12BVK) 34x12BVK
American Made By The Spears Company
qaa 11/2" Silicone Drain Plug for Stallfount & Omni 1, 2, 2sp (SKU: 18221) 18221
This is the 11/2" Silicone Drain Plug for Basic Stallfount & Omni 1, 2, 2sp
rb Ritchie Mini Water Meter (SKU: 18218) 18218
Know how much water your animal is consuming. The economical Mini Water Meter installs in the 3/8" rubber hose line of smaller fountains between the water source and the float valve.
sab 1/2" Male White Valve (5-40 psi) (SKU: 12574) 12574
1/2" 5-40 psi float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 1/2" valve.
sac 1/2" Male Red Valve (40-60 psi) (SKU: 12575) 12575
1/2" 40-60 psi float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 1/2" valve.
sad 1/2" Male Green Valve (60-80 psi) (SKU: 13597) 13597
1/2" 60-80 psi float valve which can be used on any fountain that uses the 1/2" valve.
sae 1/2" Valve Bracket Pkg with Screws (SKU: 11515) 11515
1/2" Valve Bracket Package with 4 Bolts/Screws. This bracket bolts to the side of many small fountains and gives you a 1/2" fpt thread to screw your 1/2" float valve into.
sag 1/2" Valve Rubber Buttons (10 per package) (SKU: 15151) 15151
1/2" Valves have a small rubber "button" in them that makes a seal when the plunger is moved by the float. This button is the heart of the valve and is a "wear & tear" item (10 per package).
sag 1/2" Valve Wingnut / Screw / Star-washer Pkg (SKU: 12576) 12576
1/2" Valves have a small screw, star-washer, and wingnut that holds the float arm onto the float. It is also where you adjust the float and water level of the fountain. This part is small but necessary.
tb Plastic Pill-Shaped Float w/ Short Arm (SKU: 13613) 13613
Plastic Pill-Shaped Float with Short Arm for Basic Stainless Steel Stallfounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, & All Hog Founts.
tc Short Plastic Float Arms for pill-shaped floats (2 per package) (SKU: 18634) 18634
Short Plastic Float Arms (2 per package) used on the Basic Stainless Steel Stallfounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, & All Hog Founts.
ua 125 watt, 120 volt heating element (SKU: 14150) 14150
This is a 125 watt, 120 volt heating element used on all heated StallFounts, Ecofounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, and Pork King PK2, PK2-1, PK4.
uh 48 watt, 120 volt cable heater (SKU: 13830) 13830
This is a 48 watt, 120 volt cable heater used on all heated StallFounts, EcoFounts, OminFounts, CattleMasters, and PorkKings.
ui Self-limiting heat cable or heat tape - protects the water supply line (SKU: 16276) 16276
This is a self limiting heat cable or heat tape which warms up when temperature falls below 38 degrees. I can be used on the water supply of any fountain where power is available.
um 28" Disc Thermostat (SKU: 11885) 11885
28" Disc Thermostat
xa Stall Fount Accessory Package (SKU: 18228) 18228
yea Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Non-Heated Trough Assembly (SKU: 16877) 16877
Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Non-Heated Trough Assembly
yeb Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Heated Trough Assembly (SKU: 18083) 18083
Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Heated Trough Assembly