oc Water Supply Winterize Kit
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This foam rubber winterize kit is comprised of two components. The first is 3' of 1/2" wall, 3/4" ips insulation to cover the 3/4" pvc pipe you will be using to feed water to your Ritchie fountain. The other smaller diameter piece of insulation is 2' of 1/2" wall, 5/8 cts insulation to cover the length of 3/8" rubber hose that goes from the ball valve up to the float valve of the waterer. In pictures of the Deluxe Watermatic Installation Kit you can see how it will look as it surrounds the pipe coming into and out of the ball valve. The ball valve needs to be exposed so it can be utilitzed. These lengths will be ample amounts to do the job - trimming the length of these insulation pieces is easy with a pair of scissors.
Very soft and manageable insulation that will offer additional protection to the piping under your Ritchie Watermatic fountain
Along with a deeply buried line, this winterize kit, and a good seal between the concrete slab and your waterer, freeze up will not be a likely occurance