Important Note Concerning Sales Taxes on Ritchie Purchases:
Customers who live OUTSIDE the state of Texas (in New Mexico or Oklahoma) will NOT be charged Sales & Use Tax.
If, however, your Ritchie puchase would be considered a taxable event in your state, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to report the sales and use tax to your state comptroller. There's a form your comptroller provides called the "occasional use tax reporting form" which you will fill out and send in with your tax. You do not need a tax number to do this.
Cutsomers who live INSIDE the state of Texas WILL be charged sales tax unless the purchase is exempt for farm use.
Read this paragraph to see if you qualify for farm use tax expempt status.
Ritchie fountains can be sales tax exempt for farm use if used by a farming, ranching, or agricultural business whereby the lion's share of the purchaser's income and livelihood comes from the operation of that agricultural business. If Ritchie products are purchased for uses such as that of a hobby, simple animal enjoyment, or any other non-income earning activity, the purchase would be called taxable by the State of Texas Comptroller and will be charged a sales & use tax of 6.75%.
A sales tax exemption form must be executed by individuals claiming this exemption. This is done at checkout time when you read the short paragraph whereby you state by choices you make that you are using this product for making a living in an agricultural activity. Once you have read, understood and agreed to the statement, you must choose either "NO TAX" (I claim exempt status) or "PAY TAX" (no exemption claimed, I pay tax). Until you make a choice, you cannot finish your checkout. Out-of-state customers can make a choice of "NO TAX" because they are NOT taxed on our site regardless of their choice.
In the final checkout step, you will see where sales tax is charged or not charged according to your situation. Texas customers who chose "NO TAX" will see the sales tax credited back with a notation "customer claims farm use exemption".
This procedure constitues an electronically generated legally binding e-document of eligibility for sales tax exempt status.