ac Stainess Steel Shroud Set (SKU: 18092)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
Stainless Shrouds (2-pieces - overlap for mounting heights up to 4')
bc 20" Stall fount II Shroud - Yellow (SKU: 18492)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bd 30" Stall fount II Shroud - Yellow (SKU: 18491)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bg 20" Stall fount II Shroud - Green (SKU: 18593)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bh 30" Stall fount II Shroud - Green (SKU: 18591)P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * V1 * V2 * Man
bi StallFount II Cover Hold Down Screw Package (SKU: 18640) 18640
bj StallFount II Cover Hold Down Thumb Screws only (2 per package) (SKU: 18494) 18494
la 1' Thermal Tube (SKU: 18158) 18158
1' Thermal Tube is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection
lb 2' Thermal Tube (SKU: 16417) 16417
2' Thermal Tube is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection
lc 2' Thermal Tube Extension - add to other tubes for custom lengths (SKU: 16416) 16416
2' Thermal Tube Extension is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection - add it to other tubes to achieve custom lengths.
ld 4' Thermal Tube (SKU: 16612) 16612
4' Thermal Tube is thick walled & foam filled poly construction for maximum protection
ma 250W / 120V Donut Immersion Heater - non coated (SKU: 16311-NC) 16311-NC
Non-Coated - It's best to remove immersion heaters from fountains when chance of freezing is over.
mb 250W / 120V Donut Immersion Heater - coated (SKU: 16311-C) 16311-C
This Heater is Covered With a Protective Teflon Coating - But it's still best to remove it from the fountain when chance of freezing weather is over.
na Deluxe Small Fountain Installation Kit (SKU: DSFIK) DSFIK
Installs Watermatics, Ecofounts, Omni 1,2,3, and CT1 with stainless bolts, ball valve, & insulation for lines
nb Small Fountain Installation Kit (SKU: SFIK) SFIK
Pipe Insulation Not Included - Order # DWMIK if you need insulation too.
oa Anchor Bolt Kit Plated Steel (SKU: ABKPS) ABKPS
Plated Steel - Less money, but can eventually rust off - Washers shown, but not included.
ob Anchor Bolt Kit Stainless Steel (SKU: ABKSS) ABKSS
These "Forever" Wedge Anchors are made of stainless steel - Washers shown, but not included.
oc Water Supply Winterize Kit (SKU: WSWK) WSWK
Winterizes Water Supply Lines (2-piece kit)
pa 3/4 x 1/2 Ball Valve Kit (SKU: 34x12BVK) 34x12BVK
American Made By The Spears Company
qac 3" Expanding Drain Plug for Watermatics & Watermasters (SKU: 18470) 18470
This is the latest design of drain plug that is used on the Watermatic and Watermaster fountains.
qag 2" Silicone Drain Plug Pkg for Cattlemasters (SKU: 18338) 18338
This is the 2" Silicone Drain Plug Pkg for Cattlemasters
qba Drain Pipe Elbow & Washer for Ecofounts (SKU: 16172) 16172
Drain Pipe Elbow & Washer for Ecofounts
qbb Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 1, 2, 2sp, AC's (SKU: 11471) 11471
Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 1, 2, 2sp, AC's
qbc Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 3, Cattle #3 (SKU: 11472) 11472
Drain Pipe Elbow Assembly for Omni 3, Cattle #3
qbd Drain Pipe Elbow Assy for Omni 5, 10, Cattle #5 (SKU: 11473) 11473
Drain Pipe Elbow Assembly for Omni 5 & 10
qca 2" Bulkhead for Cattlemasters (SKU: 17679) 17679
2" Bulkhead for Cattlemasters
qda 4-1/2" Overflow Pipe for Ecofounts (SKU: 14647) 14647
4-1/2" overflow pipe for Ecofount units
qdb 5-1/4" Overflow Pipe for Omni 1, 2, 2sp, Ac's (SKU: 16866) 16866
This is the 5-1/4" overflow pipe that installs in the Omni 1, 2, 2sp, and the metal AC units.
qdc 2" Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for Omni 3, 5, 10 (SKU: 16629) 16629
2" Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for Omni 3, 5, 10
qdd 2" Extended Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for Cattlemasters (SKU: 18181) 18181
2" Extended Overflow pipe Assy with Nut & Gasket for CattleMaster Units
ra Metal Valve Box Cover & Panel Opening Tool (SKU: 12814) 12814
Metal Valve Box Cover & Panel Opening Tool.
saa 1/2" Watermatic Float / Valve Assy (with bracket included) (SKU: 12WMFVA) 12WMFVA
1/2" 40-60 psi float valve assembly for the Watermatic 100, 150, 150s&g, Ecofount 1 & 2.
sca 3/4" Watermatic Float / Valve Assy (SKU: 34WMFVA) 34WMFVA
3/4" 40-60 psi float valve assembly for the Watermatic 300, 1000, Watermaster 54, 54D, 90, 96, 600, 1200, Cattlemaster 480, 840, 1440, 10T and the Thriftyking CT 2 & 4.
ua 125 watt, 120 volt heating element (SKU: 14150) 14150
This is a 125 watt, 120 volt heating element used on all heated StallFounts, Ecofounts, Omni 1, 2, 2sp, and Pork King PK2, PK2-1, PK4.
ub 250 watt, 120 volt heating element (SKU: 11419) 11419
This is the 250 watt, 120 volt heating element used on Omni 3, 5, 10, Cattlemaster units, and the Pork king PK1.
uh 48 watt, 120 volt cable heater (SKU: 13830) 13830
This is a 48 watt, 120 volt cable heater used on all heated StallFounts, EcoFounts, OminFounts, CattleMasters, and PorkKings.
ui Self-limiting heat cable or heat tape - protects the water supply line (SKU: 16276) 16276
This is a self limiting heat cable or heat tape which warms up when temperature falls below 38 degrees. I can be used on the water supply of any fountain where power is available.
um 28" Disc Thermostat (SKU: 11885) 11885
28" Disc Thermostat
un Fenwal Thermostat (SKU: 16534) 16534
This is known as the Fenwal Thermostat - Stainless version = #16534, Brass version = #11422. Brass in stock now, Stainless later.
uo Fenwal Thermostat to Disc Thermostat Conversion Kit (SKU: 13680) 13680
This is known as the Fenwal Thermostat to Disc Thermostat Conversion Kit.