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wa Metal Fountain Hold Down Bracket Package (stainless) (SKU: 13775)13775
 Metal Fountain Hold Down Bracket Package (stainless). 4 Brackets and screws used to hold down the metal fountains to the concrete slab.
xa Stall Fount Accessory Package (SKU: 18228)18228

xb Stall Fount II Accessory Package (SKU: 18488)18488
xc Watermatic 100 Accessory Package (SKU: 18174)18174
xd Watermatic 150 / 150s&g Accessory Package (SKU: 18187)18187
xe Watermatic 300 Accessory Package (SKU: 18096)18096
xf Watermatic 1000 Accessory Package (SKU: 18109)18109
xg EcoFount 1 & 2 Accessory Package (SKU: 18429)18429
xh OmniFount 1, 2, 2sp Accessory Package (SKU: 16627)16627
xi OmniFount 3, 5, 10 Accessory Package (SKU: 16554)16554
xj CattleMaster 480 Accessory Package (SKU: 18329)18329
xk CattleMaster 840 & 10T Accessory Package (SKU: 18331)18331
xl CattleMaster 1440 Accessory Package (SKU: 18333)18333
xm WaterMaster 54 & 90 Accessory Package (SKU: 16479)16479
xn WaterMaster 54D Accessory Package (SKU: 18367)18367
xo WaterMaster 96 Accessory Package (SKU: 18041)18041
xp WaterMaster 600 Accessory Package (SKU: 18192)18192
xq WaterMaster 1200 Accessory Package (SKU: 18140)18140
xr WaterMaster 1200 Constant Flow Package (SKU: 18199)18199
xs ThriftyKing CT1 Accessory Package (SKU: 16857)16857
xt ThriftyKing CT2 Accessory Package (SKU: 18340)18340
xu ThriftyKing CT4 Accessory Package (SKU: 18155)18155
xv ThriftyKing CT6 Accessory Package (SKU: 16441)16441
yaa 9-1/4" Round Access Panel - Yellow (SKU: 16472)16472
9-1/4" Round Access Panel for Watermaster 54, 90, 96, 600, 1200 - Yellow
yab 9-1/4" Round Access Panel - Green (SKU: 18503)18503
9-1/4" Round Access Panel for Watermaster 54, 90, 96, 600, 1200 - Green
yac Hardware Package for 9-1/4" Round Access Panels. (SKU: 18203)18203
Hardware kit for the 9-1/4" Round Access Panel for Watermaster 54, 90, 96, 600, 1200.
yba 6x14 Rectangular Access Panel - Yellow (SKU: 16621)16621
6x14 Rectangular Access Panel for Watermatic 100, 150, 150s&g, omniFount 2, 2sp, CattleMaster 480, 840, 1440, Watermaster 600, 1200 - Yellow
ybb 6x14 Rectangular Access Panel - Green (SKU: 18502)18502
6x14 Rectangular Access Panel for Watermatic 100, 150, 150s&g, omniFount 2, 2sp, CattleMaster 480, 840, 1440, Watermaster 600, 1200 - Green
yca 10x10 Rectangular Access Panel - Yellow (SKU: 18370)18370
10x10 Rectangular Access Panel for EcoFount 1, OmniFount 1, Watermaster 54D - Yellow
ycb 10x10 Rectangular Access Panel - Green (SKU: 18500)18500
10x10 Rectangular Access Panel for EcoFount 1, OmniFount 1, Watermaster 54D - Green
yda 10x20 Rectangular Access Panel - Yellow (SKU: 16562)16562
10x20 Rectangular Access Panel for Watermatic 300, 1000, EcoFount 2, Omnifount 3, 5, 10, CattleMaster 10T - Yellow
ydb 10x20 Rectangular Access Panel - Green (SKU: 18501)18501
10x20 Rectangular Access Panel for Watermatic 300, 1000, EcoFount 2, Omnifount 3, 5, 10, CattleMaster 10T - Green
ydc Hardware kit for the 6x14, 10x10, & 10x20 Rectangular Access Panels. (SKU: 18147)18147
Hardware kit for the 6x14, 10x10, & 10x20 Rectangular Access Panels. 
yea Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Non-Heated Trough Assembly (SKU: 16877)16877
 Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Non-Heated Trough Assembly
yeb Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Heated Trough Assembly (SKU: 18083)18083
 Basic 125 StallFount Cover / Heated Trough Assembly
yec StallFount II Cover - Stainless (SKU: 18486)18486
StallFount II cover - Stainless Steel.
yfaValve Box Cover for the Watermatic 100 & 150 - Red Cover for a Yellow Fountain (SKU: 18167)18167
Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 100 & 150 - Red Cover for a Yellow Fountain
yfb Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 100 & 150 - Green Cover for a Green Fountain (SKU: 18575)18575
Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 100 & 150 - Green Cover for a Green Fountain
yfc Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 150s&g - Red Cover for a Yellow Fountain (SKU: 18223)18223
Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 150s&g - Red Cover for a Yellow Fountain
yfd Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 150s&g - Green Cover for a Green Fountain. (SKU: 18582)18582
Valve Box Cover for the Watermatic 150s&g - Green Cover for a Green Fountain.
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