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PARTS-AT-A-GLANCEThis is a parts quick reference chart: It shows the most often asked for parts to all the different fountains. It is not a page where you can order parts, but you can find out what popular part#'s you may need to be ordering to fix your fountain. Sorry, but this chart does not include any of the discontinued models.
ENTIRE PARTS UNIVERSEAll Ritchie Parts, kits, assemblies, accessories, installation aids:
PARTS BY FOUNTAIN, MODEL, TYPEParts listed by fountains, models or types: Parts will be seen here shown for/by each fountain, model, or type of fountain - Stallfount, Watermatic, Ecofount, Omni, Cattlemaster, Watermaster, Thriftyking CT, Thriftyking HG, Pork king.
RITCHIE MADE PARTSRitchie Parts manufactured by Ritchie:
PARTS NOT MADE BY RITCHIEParts Not made by Ritchie: Parts that would be helpful during istallation and weatherproofing of fountains including ball valves, adapters, insulation kits, wedge anchors.
KITS & ASSEMBLIESKits, Assemblies of all Kinds:
INSTALLATION AIDSItems and devices that aid in the proper installation of a Ritchie waterer: These parts include thermal tubes, immersion heaters, cable heaters, insulation, anchor bolts, and pvc ball valves.
OPERATION AIDSItems and devices that aid in the operation and daily use of a Ritchie waterer:
TOOLS AND METERSTools and Meters to help you operate your fountain efficiently:
DRAIN PLUGS, OVERFLOWSRitchie drain plugs & overflows for all models of fountains:
VALVES, BRACKETS, HOSE, KITSRitchie valves, brackets, hose, kits:
FLOATS, ARMS, HARDWARE, KITSRitchie floats, arms, hardware & kits:
HEATERS, CABLES, T-STATS, INSULATEHeaters, cables, heat elements, thermostats, insulation and related:
FITTINGS, ADAPTERS, CLAMPSRitchie Parts that are a fitting, adapter, hose clamp:
NUTS, BOLTS, SCREWS, FASTERNERSRitchie Parts that are a nut, bolt, screw, or other kind of fastener:
PARTS ACCESSORY BAGSParts Accessory Bags: For stallfount, watermatic, ecofount, omnifount, cattlemaster, watermatic, thriftyking - 16441, 16479, 16554, 16627, 16857, 18041, 18096, 18109, 18140, 18155, 18174, 18187, 18192, 18228, 18329, 18331, 18333, 18340, 18367, 18429, 18488
COVERS, PANELS, SHROUDS, ENCLOSURESRitchie Covers, Access & Side Panels, Shrouds, Enclosures & Related Hardware:
FRAMES, HOUSINGS, CASTINGS, PANSRitchie Frames, housings, castings, pans, and hardware:
PARTS / DISCONTINUED UNITSParts for the AC Fountains: Parts for 18034 (1AC), 18033 (2ACww), 18043 (2ACspecial)
Parts for the Cattle Fountains: Parts for 16743 (Cattle #3E), 16745 (Cattle #5E)
Parts for the Cattle-Combination Fountains: Parts for 16769 (Cattle-Combination #3)
Parts for Stock Tank Valves: For 12500, 18141
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