This Page is Dedicated to the Life of Doggles...My Shadow.
A few words and memories:
I had the greatest love and appreciation for Doggles and his companionship and loyalty. We had long days of work and of play at the end of which we would be pooped, but we had a great life together. Doggles was a true blessing from God to me for 14-1/2 years and 15 Christmas seasons (he would even help our family "open gifts").
"My black shadow" thought I was a wonderful person (even though i'm far from it), and whom I miss terribly!
When we go out into the world each day, life is so much easier knowing there's someone in the world with us who thinks we "hung the moon"... someone whom we want to make happy and proud of us. That "someone" could be a parent or grandparent, a son or daughter, a brother, sister or some other family member, a spouse or best friend, or even a loyal pet . My wife thinks i'm a pretty good fellow most of the time, but Doggles thought I was the greatest person everyday & always! LOL.
If ever there was a dog that was truly "mine" it was Doggles. I've said many times, that in the here-after, Doggles will look all over heaven for me - if he doesn't find me, I know he'll brave hell and look for me there. Where ever he finds me, he will be there by my side from then on.
"Boone Doggles" - Born on October 5th, 1999, and died on February 11th, 2014. He passed away gently & peacefully at my side as the local vet gave him a shot to shorten his suffering. He died the day after Shirley Temple died - I can just see the two of them walking off into heaven together...a little dimple-faced girl in curls, with her new companion and protector at her side, my Doggles.
In the pictures below, see Doggles living some of his life with us. He and I had our fair share of "days in the sun", but I wish we could've had even more.
I lost my dad about 3 months ago too...he was 88 years old. He was married to my mom for 66 years at the time of his passing.
In looking through old pictures of Doggles to put on this page, I also encountered a lot of pictures (and memories) of my dad as well - he and my mom are included in the list of "someones" whom I always wanted to be proud of me. My whole adult life was spent in business with mom & dad in their guidance & company.
By building this webpage, I found it helpful to my spirit, providing me some comfort & closure for both the loss of my dad, and of my pet.
Thanks for reading about my "good boy" Doggles,
Gordon Becker
....And in memorial to Doggles, "TRIBUTE TO A DOG" written by Senator George Graham Vest.
Melissa, my wife loves me, but Doggles ADORED me! LOL.
Bless their hearts:
Melissa, my wife, and Amanda, my daughter, had to compete with Doggles for my attention! LOL.
I may have fell short at times, but it was always my intention to spoil all three of them rotten!