gb WATERMASTER 54D - Constant Flow
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The Watermaster Poly Fountain with Constant Flow option is the number one series for feed yards and dairies in the South. This model, the 54 deep, is the same waterer as the model 54, except the bowl is deeper to hold more water. At times, when animals have been held off of water for awhile, (as in the case of milking a herd of cows), and then they are released back to the pen, they hit the fountains hard as they are T-H-I-R-S-T-Y. A head-start provided by a deeper fountain is helpful when all that water sucking is going on. But the shallower units have benefits too. They result in the water getting changed out more often which means the water will be fresher and harder to freeze up in the winter. The Watermaster fountains can best be described as "WORRY-FREE WORKHORSES". It's an unbelievably tough, durable, dependable waterer. It has been reported that HUGE steers have stood in them without damage to the units. No more paint peeling, rusting or corroding of metal skins - the poly foam filled frames last for many, many years in the worst conditions in feedyards. In the industry, stray voltage is known to be an issue that affects how much water the animals on the property will drink. Poly is not a conductor of electricity so it does not transfer stray voltage to the sensitive lips of the animals. Like all Ritchie waterers, they are super rugged to take whatever you and your animals want to throw at it. But it is safe for your animals to be around with its smooth edges and corners. The side panels are generous in size and easy to remove to gain water line access. Cleaning of the trough is easy. The Watermaster series are commonly used in feedyards & dairies where large numbers of animals need healthy water to drink in harsh conditions. Using an optional immersion heater and supply line cable heater would be the way to make these fountains even more winter ready. Click the P-O link below to see those parts and order them. This model # waters 200 beef, 100 dairy animals and is made in the Yellow color. #18355
P-V * P-O * PQR * Spec * Foot * Man
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54" length, 33" width, 28" overall height, 22" drinking height, 125# shipping weight
When electric heat is not possible, constant flow heat is the next best thing
The trough holds 54 gallons, this waterer will serve up to 200 beef, 100 dairy animals or cattle
Comes with the green 60-80 psi valve, but low, med, & very high pressure valves also available
Smooth, rounded edges and corners insures animal safety even in tight quarters
Ideal for use in dairies and feedyards
Highly insulated thick-walled foam filled polyethylene construction built to last a lifetime
Warranty is 5+5 (first 5 years 100%, next five years prorated) 1 year on wear & tear parts
Very easy to clean
"Easy to clean" means that you animals are insured clean, cool water in the summer. If electricity is available, add an immersion heater and a cable heater for maximum winter protection.
Open bowl fountain design makes access to water simple for the animals
No rubber gaskets to crack, crumble, and deteriorate. No irritating latches or corroding metal parts to malfunction or harm animals
Long proven Ritchie nylon float & valve system that works great even when the water is sandy (as is common on the farm)
4 pressure ranges of valve available - 5-40psi, 40-60psi, & 60-80psi & 80-100psi